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World-class Certification

We have internationally recognized process and quality standards to achieve ISO 9001:2015 and FSSC V5.1 certifications from trusted certification bodies.

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Quality Assurance

Committed to Safety, Quality & Quantity. Committed to You.

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High-tech Equipment

To answer the challenges in the converting business, MGI always prioritizes the use of high technology.

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Our Flexible Packaging Product

We produce flexible packaging for Foods, Frozen Food, Snacks, Personal Care, Homecare, Beverages, Seasoning & Condiment, Edible Oil (Margarine & Cooking Oil).

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Customer satisfaction

Total customer satisfaction is the goal, in designing and manufacturing flexible packaging products to meet all needs.

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Who became customers

Serving large global multinational companies as well as leading FMCG companies.

Our Vision :


To become a flexible packaging industry that is at the forefront of quality.


Our Mission :


Provide customer packaging solutions.


Implement the highest industry standards in food management systems.


Applying a sustainable development system that is used as a corporate culture.